Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Another beginning

This is now going to be my second attempt at this weight loss challenge. I had gone off of it the last few weeks because, well I have no reason really. I was stressed over some tests I had to do to figure out about my blood clots but it was really no reason to get off the diet. Nevertheless I did and here I am having to start all over again.

I had made a promise to loss 20 lbs by March 5, 2011 and well in the last few weeks I have actually gained 4lbs.  So...my new promise (and I am going to do eveything in my power to keep this promise) is lose 40lbs by my birthday! So I have 4 months so that is 10lbs a month.  Do you think I can do it?  Well I guess we will find out because June will be around the corner before we know it. 

I need to stayed focused and try not to let things bother me.  If I let them bother me then I get down on myself and turn to food. 

This is going to be a challenge in itself because this month is very busy for me, I have my exam to write on the 26th, I am in a craft/trade show for my cards and such on the 19th, I am going on a mini mini vacation to Elk Ridge this month, and all the other things life will bring this month.  I hope that I can stay focused and keep my promise.

I am going to reweigh myself and measure so I will put those up sometime in the next couple days.  Hopefully it is not as bad as I think.

Bye for now

Friday, February 18, 2011

It has been A while!

It has been a while since I blogged and a lot has happened since then.  I have completely fell off the band wagon:(  I am back to drinking pop and eating the way I used to.  See, the thing is, I had gottena bit stressed and with my husband not here this week, I just let go and I am sure I gained everything I lost back. I am not proud of myself but there is nothing I can do about it now, it is over and done with.  All I can do is try to start all over again.  It is going to be even harder this time but I want to try and make an effort...

The gym opens again on Tuesday after the long weekend and I will be there right after work, probably a little crabby with not having pop but it is only for a few days so please bear with me!  Thanks

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jumped off the Band Wagon :(

Well, I am not very proud of myself, I will tell you that much.  I fell off the band wagon.  I have only exercised once in the last week and have been eating like crap!  Well tomorrow is a new day out there and I plan on using it to its full potential.  I am going to do this and get back on it!  I have too, for me, for my family and for my health!  I cannot let anything stop me, distract me or upset me because I always turn to food.

I purchased a new cook book yesterday because I don't like same old same old.  I need variety in my food otherwise I get board and go back to what it is I really want - junk!  So I needed a recipe book and I found what I think to be a great one! 

I haven't yet made a receipe from it yet but I will be soon.  It looks so good.  The book tells you how many calories, carbs, sodium (which I have found that when I read food labels now that is the first thing I look at and somethings I can't believe I was eating that WOW)

There is also a Hungry Girl website where you can get free receipe e-mails.
http://www.hungry-girl.com/   Well I am hoping that this will help me with the variety thing. We will see shortly right!?  Only 20 more days till weigh in and I have a long way to go!  Hope I can do this without anymore mistakes.  I cannot be a failure at this again!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Weigh-In day!

Hi everyone,  Just wanting to let everyone know that today was weigh in day for me and I can't be anymore happier and prouder of myself.  I felt like they do on the biggest loser!  I will let the numbers speak for themselves:

Weight:  224 (that's 6 lbs I lost!!!!!!!) WOHOOOOO!!!
Arm: 14.5" (.5" off)
Chest: 44.5 (1.5" off)
Waist: 38" (1" off)
Abs: 45" (3" off)
Hips: 47" (2" off)
Thighs: 27.5" (.5" off)

Total I lost 8.5"  YAY!!!!!!  :)

I am so happy and feel so good to know that it is coming off.  Next weighin is February 19.

Well I have to go do my schoolwork now.  For those of you who think of giving up - DON"T this is the best feeling ever!


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Weekend #2

I find that the weekends of any diet are always the hardest.  Last weekend I did horibally (not sure of spelling - sorry)   This weekend I think I am doing 95% better than last. 

I want to share a picture with you of one of my lunches.  It looked so delicious that I had to snap a picture.

Here it is:

 It is 1 cup of 1% or 2% cottage cheese
1 whole cut up tomato
1 half of a whole wheat cinimmon rasin english muffin
1 cup of snow peas
and 1 sliced apple.

Looks good hey?


Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Weekend

I have struggled alot in the last few days.  Being at home with the fridge always in my face, is so hard.  I am not always craving the bad stuff, sometimes I just want to eat and anything will do, even the good stuff.  Today is Sunday and I am going to try so hard to stay on top of it. 

Today is a new day. 


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Why this time?

People have asked me “What is different about this time?  What makes you think it is going to work this time?” 

Well here is my answer:

In the past I have always thought of myself as not as fat as what others see.  I looked at myself in the mirror and think “oh I don’t look that heavy” but it was just recently I took a long hard look in the mirror and saw what others see and I now see it every time.  I honestly can’t believe I let myself get to be this big.  It is utterly disgusting, if you ask me and I am sure some people out there will agree. 

I have just set it in my mind that I need to do this for me and no-one else!  I want to be able to run after my son, I want to fit into that size 29 jeans I used to wear 10 years ago, I want to be healthy when I have my second child, I want my husband to be proud of me.  This is for me, not for anyone else.  I am the leader of this mission and no on will tell me different.  No one will hold my hand, I have to want to do this and I DO!

Food is my addiction and it takes a lot for me to admit that!  I am addicted to food and pop.  For those of you who did not know this next thing about me I am sorry to tell you now, but I smoked for years and quit cold turkey once my son was born.  When I did that it was hard and I struggled with it for a long time and still do but I over came it and I will with this as well.  The first few weeks, even months are going to be extremely difficult but this is something I need to do.  I keep telling myself that I can’t get any heavier and my son needs his mother.  This fat on my body is making me lazy and depressed and flat out bitchy.  Three things I don’t like about myself. 

I have issues eating while watching TV, I like to snack.  My good friend told me that she knits while watching TV.  I don’t know how to knit (would love to know how) but I know how to crochet and I have an abundance supply of wool (because I am also a shopaholic) on hand, so I am going to be making dishcloths while I watch TV – keeping my hands busy.

I have gone to the gym the last 3 days.  I am not going today and I feel a little guilty about that but I can only push myself so far.  I am going to jump on my Wii tonight instead and do a few games and return to the gym tomorrow morning.   

My two week diet challenge also started today (even though I sort of started it yesterday) it is going good so far.  I haven’t had any pop yet today.  The trainer at the gym did allow me to have 1/3 cup of pop a day until I am unable to go without but I am trying to not have any all together.)

I am VERY proud of myself for this, even if there are those out there that are not. For those that aren’t - I am not sorry!  I have come along way to make these decisions in my life and I have a very long journey ahead of me.  Thanks to all of those who have my back and will support me along the way.  
